Mystery Trackers: Silent Hollow Collector's Edition
- Learn Morpheus' secrets in the bonus game
- Collect fun achievements as you play
- Downloadable soundtracks and wallpapers
- Bonus screensavers and concept art
- Integrated Strategy Guide
- OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
- CPU : 2.5 GHz
- Memory : 1024
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 1084
Review for game: Mystery Trackers: Silent Hollow Collector's Edition
There are screams heard in Silent Hollow... Trouble at the Mystery Trackers headquarters means you're called in to help. With a few extra abilities, not to mention your trusty sidekick, Elf, you just might save the day! Uncover the treachery of a centuries-old turncoat in this incredible follow-up to the bestselling Mystery Trackers series. This is a special Collector's Edition release full of exclusive extras you won’t find in the standard version. As a bonus, Collector's Edition purchases count toward three stamps on your Monthly Game Club Punch Card! The Collector’s Edition includes:
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
1335 points
(views: 192)

Ages: 3 YEARS & UPGame Description:
There are screams heard in Silent Hollow... Trouble at the Mystery Trackers headquarters means you're called in to help.
AFERON - BigFishGames
Another excellent Mystery Tracker entry! (Mind you, I love them all, and these devs are one of my favourites). It's so much fun I hardly know where to start.....maybe with the little dog helper: adorable! This has some great new elements to it: really fun and different mini games, achievements galore, coins to collect and things to buy, powerful tools for the name a few. There are not too many HOs and a nice transporting map that shows the spots that have activities, at least on the casual mode, not sure of the harder styles. The hint button is very useful, giving you directions without dragging you by the that. The VOs are a mixed bag...some good, some not so and the music is a good spooky, tension type mix. The graphics are beautiful as usual and the story line is captivating....all in all: a really fun game! Ooh....and I forgot...LOVE the exotic animal collections!
The Mystery Trackers series is well known and one of the best on the world. So I've been waiting so loong for this game to come out! Now it's finally here and in my opinion it's better than the other four, because there are more things to do. First the storyline is the best. Very different and great. You get to know more about the Mystery Trackers agency and have to look for clues in the own headquarters of MT. Also mysterius masks are there. In the beginning you know nothing about them, only that they are evil. The gameplay is as good as in the other games in the series. Not too easy and not to difficould. The game has different playing modes. The puzzles are mixed nice. Sometimes easy and sometimes you need a bit to crack them. A great mix for every player from beginners to advanced players. The only bad thing are the Hidden Object scenes. They are very, very easy and thats why I give the level of challenge a lower rating. The sounds and the music are great. They give the game a good atmosphere of an adventure. The graphics are like in every Elephant game, detailed, clear, great! There are live actors, achievements, many extras and so many more things in this game, which are making this game a real winner. I'm sure. Also you have special abilities while playing, like creating fire. Also you'll get to know more about your collegues, the Mystery Trackers agents and your boss. So I can recommend this game for everyone and it really deserves to be a CE and to get five stars. The developner did a nice job again!
I do not write many reviews, but this game was very good, it has great imagination. I wrote this off of the demo, then I bought the game. Elf is back as your detective sidekick, but this time you are back at your headquarters in Silent Hollows. Someone is harming your fellow agents and their pet sidekicks. During this game you get to collect your fellow secret agent's cool toys such as x-ray glasses, and their powers. I don't want to spoil it for people so I won't tell what they are, but it looks like you get three powers. The drawing of the pets is amazing! I feel they did a great job putting time into a story line. I can't comment on the music because I turn it off, but the talking clips were quick and not close together. I found the HO's easy and the puzzles fun. The point of the game is to save the agency. There are six chapters and a bonus chapter. A map that shows tasks and allows you to jump locations, and direction giving hints. The are 4 modes of play casual, advanced, hardcore, and detective (which means your cursor doesn't change over active areas, & no hints, skips or sparkles.) You get to collect coins along the way to use for Elf. There are also Hints that can be bought that have to do with the powers. You also collect dossiers on the pets and agents as you come across them in the game. I believe there are thirteen of each. Lastly there are many achievements to collect. I'm glad to have a game come out that is fun, and different! Thanks Elephant!
Oh yes, our beloved Mystery Trackers is back this time with Silent Hollow. The game begins with a cutscene at headquarters, where we see ?the boss? summoning agent Clyde to his office to let him know that there is an urgent situation since sensors indicate there is increased activity near the sarcophagus and it seems that ?he? is waking up. Agent Clyde is asked to secure the activator and move it to safety but before he can leave there is an explosion at headquarters. You are called in because your expertise is required and there is no one else who can do the job. With such a dire situation threatening the very existence of Mystery Trackers, you and your trusty companion, Elf, head over to headquarters to save the day. Can you save Mystery Trackers and contain ?him?? I hope so because we are all depending on you!! Without getting into all of the technical aspects of the game I would like to note that you may choose from four modes of gameplay ? Casual, Advanced, Hardcore, and Detective. Detective mode seems to be a new selection for gameplay and in this mode you are virtually on your own to get through the game since there are no hints, skips or sparkles and the cursor doesn?t hover over active zones. It seems there is finally a mode for those who want no hand-holding in a game so thank you to the developers for listening. As has been the case with the past few Mystery Trackers games, we have ?live? actors. Needless to say with this being an Elephant game, the graphics are excellent quality. I am always certain that when I see a game that has been produced by the team at Elephant Games it will be top-notch in every respect. Silent Hollow is the usual visual feast and I love it! The sound and voice overs are very good but sometimes repetitive music can be a bit irritating and I had to turn down the volume. Special effects sounds don?t grate on my nerves in the same way as background music so those are okay for me. The iHOS and mini puzzles are what we expect to find in more recent games. The puz
Great game! Great sequel! I was disappointed when trial time was up. In a nutshell, pros: Excellent detailed graphics, very realistic characters with live actors, a lot of video, great storyline, good puzzles, nice voiceovers, cute music, amazing idea with abilities (fire, hypno, etc)! Cons: About live actors... The acting is not impressive, I would even say acting is bad. It seems to me that the developers were acting themselves :) But despite this, you need to play this game. Play it, buy it!
It seems like a long wait a new Mystery Tracker game...and it was worth it. BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!! Once again, accompanied by your trusty companion Elf the 4-legged wonder dog, you're called to Mystery Tracker headquarters to solve the emergency that's taking out Mystery Trackers left and right. Along the way you learn about the detectives and their pets. And good ol' Mr. Toad is there to lend a hint if necessary. This game is spectacular. It's so fun that at 3:23 AM I'm still playing. My rating of fun factor would be higher if there were more than five stars. Yes the game is complex and it takes awhile to familiarize yourself with the "program." In this adventure you have special "abilities" which help you solve the case. You'll acquire these as the game progresses. To me, soundtrack is a very important component of games: it sets the mood. Done perfectly again, Silent Hollow's music will let you know when the situation is urgent or no so much... The Voice Overs are great and the voice acting is convincing. The only deficit is that there isn't lip movement along with the voice. I'd like to see them give a shot at synchronized lip movements to add even more realism. Still, this isn't a big problem. (Note, there are real actors playing the roles in the game, but a separate sound track). Visually the game is superior. The colors are vibrant and really pop. It's an exciting game and you can tell it's special just by the graphics. It is VERY CHALLENGING. As I said above, it takes time to get used to all the ins and outs of the game. It requires a great deal of thought, (well, for me at least). But it is NOT drudgery. It is non-stop fun. I've been playing for two hours. I'm not a fast paced player. I'm enjoying every minute of this and am in no hurry for it to end. The HOGs are tough. In some cases it's because the items are small. It's never because of graininess or poorly lit scenes (unless it's on purpose and you have to light a lamp i order to illumina
If you enjoyed previous Mystery Trackers games, you'll probably like this one. The story is there's something fishy going on at Mystery Trackers headquarters, and you're the only agent left that can help. Bad things are happening to other agents, so you're sent to stop the bad guy. Pros: + Nice graphics. + Music is good Voiceovers are just ok, though. + Puzzles are good. Nothing too hard, but they are interesting, at least. + H0 scenes are interactive. + Four modes of gameplay! + Collectibles, coins to find and use, and achievements. I like the collectibles because the descriptions for them are kind of funny. + This one is probably just me, but I like the game's interface. It automatically takes pictures of certain things (and people) and puts them into your dossier. There's also a little tab you can click on to tell you your tasks. + There's a jump map. It's a little too detailed for my liking playing in hard mode, though. Neutral: The little helper dog, Elf, is back. I like him, but I feel like the game relies far too much on him to get inventory items. If there's a hole or a small space, Elf goes in there. Cons: - Achievements aren't difficult, and most you can get just by playing the game and getting to certain parts of the puzzle. - Some people like this, but I don't: There's a section in the extras where you can use coins you find in the game to buy things. Normally I enjoy those, especially ones where you can decorate your office or rebuild a town. I don't, however, like how one of these sections in this game is just so sickly sweet and cute. Tone it down, please. LoL All in all, this is a pretty fun game. There's lots of stuff to do, and I found the story entertaining.
This is the fifth game in the series and I've played them all. They just keep getting better and better. I am not sure there is another series with as many "extras" that just make you smile! You are following Agent Clyde whom you've revived and watched him teleport away. You found Agent Slade dead inside a phone booth. You are on your way to the Mystery Trackers Castle to figure out what is going on, being attacked by flying masks along the way! There are four modes of play -- Casual, Advanced, Hard Core, and Detective Mode. You get an Interactive Map, a Task List which tells you what you should do next, plus a Hint Button in the form of "Mr. Toad" who gives great hints as well. And your faithful pet dog Elf is back, to crawl into the small spaces and retrieve items for you. PLUS, you collect 15 funny Mystery Tracker pets along the way, many achievements that will make you chuckle, and ducats to spend on Elf and his family or on dressing out Mr. Toad. And you earn special powers you can use throughout the game. A definite buy and a lot of fun!
I love the Mystery Tracker games and this one seems the best so far. The story is fantastic; the dazzling graphics, voice overs and gameplay are outstanding. A beautifully conceived and polished production that is a real pleasure to play. Agency pets have been seen around without their agents, which is quite disturbing. Agents are found indisposed or worse. Your pet Elf is entertaining as well as helpful in exploring those out-of-the-way places. The developers again did a fantastic job of putting together an outstanding game and they're just getting better and better if that's possible. Can't find a single negative. 4 difficulty modes; graphics gamma, turn special effects on or off, and control 4 volumes. The CE has a lot of extras beyond the usual: music tracks, video, secret room, 17 achievements, 28 dossiers, collect 15 pets and shop for them.
Another elephant game and they are normally good and so is this one. The graphics are good and has some voice over. The game is pretty much on the same play line as the other 3. You have achievements to find which are fun. The hint button could be better. Just tell you what to do and not where to go. Did not see a map so. You have elf again (the dog) to help you find clues. The HOS were really easy and the puzzles are not that bad. The HOS are interactive also. Pretty good game to play. As I said pretty much the same as the others just a new crime to figure out.