Zen Games
- Peaceful and inspiring.
- Big variety of levels.
- 2 classic board games.
- OS : Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7
- CPU : 600MHz or faster Processor
- Memory : 128
Review for game: Zen Games
Get away from it all, find your inner peace and open your mind. This never before seen version of classic Japanese board games will satisfy your inquisitiveness! Get into the new dimension of Mahjong with Hexajong, the only Mahjong with six challenging edges. Develop your abstract thinking and move precious stones to become the Zenmaster in this level based and captivating game Ishidoku. Enjoy the inspiring and peaceful atmosphere of ZEN.
Match your way through unique variations on the classic Chinese tile game.
7187 points
(views: 141)

Ages: 3 YEARS & UPGame Description:
Drift away and have fun with the classic Japanese board games Hexajong and Ishidoku in a relaxing new environment.
AFERON - BigFishGames
The mahjong part was good, though I would have liked to see a list of the matches that have already been made. For example, if I know that I have four N tiles left, I may wait to make this particular match. But if this is the last pair then I will just do it. The mahjong tiles were beautiful, and I liked the way they highlighted the ones you could use in green and the ones you couldn't in red as you passed the mouse over them. I was less impressed with the Ishidoku game. It is a lot like Sudoku, but with colored tiles instead of numbers. I like Sudoku, though I do it with pencil and paper. I can put multiple numbers in each box and eliminate the wrong ones as I identify them. In this game that is not an option, which is ok, but not my preference. There is a button that will tell you how many errors you have, but not which ones. There is also no way to know what your last 10 moves (for example) were, so if you have placed 30 or so tiles and see 9 errors, your best option is to take all of the tiles off individually and start over. There is no "reset" button that I could find. Or, you can take off tiles systematically and check your "error" button each time. It sort of defeats the purpose of the puzzle to me. I don't use the sounds, so I cannot comment on that. Exiting the game is not intuitive. I discovered, through trial and error, that the "zen" button on the side is the way to exit the game.
I've played lots of different Mahjong games and this is one of the best. Both games are challenging sometimes frustrating but lots of fun.
First off, I must admit I adore ishidoku. I may even be addicted to it. And this is the only major game I have found that includes so many wonderful levels. It was a logic-lovers utopia. I also enjoy hexajong, so this was a double joy for me. Graphics are excellent, even in the level 6 ishidoku where there is a 4 X 4 X 4 grid. I can't say anything about the music because I turned it off. One complaint is that some of the hexajong games are impossible to win, even after playing up to 20 redeals. It is a small thing but it would be nice to have a chance to win instead of being thwarted from the beginning because of the lay of the tiles. Love the game and would like to see further levels.